Bad posture - If a man suffering from disorders posture, it means that the internal organs are located correctly. As a result, circulation is disturbed, causing blockage of the blood vessels occurs. Stress - In men, stress states no less than that of women. But as social stereotypes are forcing men to contain their emotions, they rarely were throwing the stress state outside. In most cases, men are driving it inside. That is why stressful situations have substantial harm to men's health. Poor circulation fluid, poor circulation, tight clothing also contributes to the appearance of fat and cellulite in men. Inheritance and hormones - If a man's bodies also increase the level of female hormones, then there will be the probability of development of cellulite.
The reasons for the appearance of cellulite in men and women are almost the same. The only thing that men have not seen it so clearly because the connective tissue has certain characteristics: a thicker skin and subcutaneous education, by contrast, fine. In women, the connective tissue is looser and volume.
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